Rhythm Posse

The Rhythm Posse – Who are those guys? We play the blues. But we're not a blues band. We also dabble in rock music. We are not a rock band.

Do we play folk and country? Yes. Never label us as a country band though.

You may ask, what about the funk? Yes, we play a lot of funk. But we are not truly a funk band either. We are the Rhythm Posse. We play music that moves us. Music that will move you.

The Rhythm Posse has it's origins deeply embedded within Eau Claire's own Stage Fright shows, where the movie 'The Last Waltz' is recreated every Thanksgiving Night with a large group of local musicians.

Levi Felling, Jeremy Holt, Luke Fischer, and Billy Angell are all part of the stage band for this show, and one night we realized that we belong together as a 'real' band as well.

Drawing inspiration from our Stage Fright shows, our goal is to play the finest music we can as a whole, occasionally bringing guest artists with us to showcase what they do, with us as a back up band.

We play.

You dance.

We sing.

You enjoy.

We groove.

You groove.

We give you the best of what we have from deep within our souls.

You take our best to heart.

The Rhythm Posse is music. You will not be let down.

Visit the Rhythm Posse facebook page