August 2012

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I really hate writing these wrap ups! It means we are at the end of another season. Hard to believe we have completed four seasons now, of what was originally titled Tuesday Night Blues On The River At Owen Park, but has become more simply Tuesday Night Blues. That amounts to 57 concerts.

We hope the product quality has met your expectations. We believe the format of one band per night gives both the performers and our crowd a better opportunity to enjoy Tuesday Night Blues. If you have any suggestions on what we can do to improve please go to the Tuesday Night Blues at Owen Park Facebook page to share your ideas with us. Be sure to check out the website to get updates on where your favorite bands are playing, and let them know you saw it at Let us know who you definitely want back on the schedule.

Though a little warm at times this year it didn’t keep the crowds from averaging in the 5-600 people area, and not a rain out all year so far, as of this writing. The TNB fan base is growing all the time and the support and response has been great. I was just commenting to some of the other volunteers the other night how great it feels to have the bands saying what an awesome event we have and thanks so much for including them. Every performer this year has expressed this to us! It really makes all the effort worth while.

I think a lot of people, young and old have little understanding of what the blues is. If you are reading this (I’m preaching to the choir), I know you realize that blues is the foundation of most modern music formats and we see that in the performances here. Blues is the basic, but it is incorporated into the rock, funk, jazz, reggae, rap and even country that is eveident in each bands repertoire. Some folks get this right off the bat, many as they and their musical tastes mature, some never get it. I have heard Tuesday Night Blues called “jazz at Owen Park”, and stopped myself from correcting that reference as it was in the context of they were glad to have become aware and were attending with some regularity. The most important part of that is it’s good and I want to hear more of it! I like that. It’s what keeps me working to bring it here.

There will be changes to Owen Park soon. The city and local companies will be removing trees and reclaiming some contaminated soil. I have heard that they are also going to do some brush removal so the Chippewa River is going to be visisble and accessible. From what I have read, the reclamation area is going to be north of the bandshell around the gazebo area and  playground. We don’t believe it should affect our ability to continue Tuesday Night Blues.

Your generosity in giving has helped us to overcome a lack of sponsorships and continue bringing Tuesday Night Blues to you. In addition, we were able to contribute $210 to Feed My People and about $700 to Blues On The Chippewa to help them bring us a wonderful music festival.

Thanks to all of our sponsors, Ken, Dave & Brendan at Coldwell Banker Realty, Mark at Bearpaw Design & Construction, Fairmont Minerals, Vinopal Title, Mike at Speed Of Sound, Kevin Dettmann Carpentry & painting, Mike Kitzman of Associated Bank and Bill at Foster’s Cheese Haus for sponsoring and urge you to use their services when the need or desire arises. Most have links at the website under the sponsor tab. I will add Danno at DMI Sound to that list as, without all he does, Tuesday Night Blues would not be what it is. If interested check sponsor opportunities at

Thanks to our vendors who help us make such a festive atmosphere every Tuesday Night. Paul & Pam and kids of 9 Degrees Ice Cream; Joel, Nicky & Jo Echo Mi at The Weeney Wagon; Aubrey Hogan & his Summer Snow; Dan & the gang from Dickies Barbecue; Infinitea; and Juanita with all her beautiful creations and additional help behind the scenes.

We are always looking for help and want to let everyone know there are volunteer opportunities, whether it is putting up a couple posters at your grocery and convenience store, or favorite coffee house or just passing out Bluesletters on Tuesday, it all helps.

We, Mary, Debbie, Dean & Cody at the CVBS tent, Don & Buck at the membership table, Santiago as well as Mark (Pres.), Dan, & E.J. with the Bluesletters, Danno, John & I want to express our heartfelt appreciation for all of YOU for being here, for being so loyal and steadfast in attendance and support of all that is Tuesday Night Blues. YOU make this happen! Thank YOU! THANK YOU ALL!!! Without you and your positive feedback we wouldn’t be here.

See ya next year!